Again, imagine this is a dungeon where you start at
the left top and have to find your way to the (pictured) right bottom.
Near the exit, two open-ended Crawlers with random delay values are
posted. For both of them, the Forward and Direction values are
identical (and pictured). In all likelihood, one of them will start out earlier
and block the other's path. Assuming the Crawler starting off on the right wall
wins the race, this is what will happen: The one starting off at the
bottom will be blocked by a wall running towards the left, and will at most times
follow it with a distance of corridorWidth - but when the first Crawler makes a turn
to the left, the other one cannot do that and will terminate. This will leave a narrow
opening somewhere far from the exit of the dungeon that one has to find in order to
get to the exit... and whether this opening will be near the left bottom of the dungeon (as
in our example) or near the right top (as would happen if the bottom Crawler were to start first)
is determined by chance.